The ten happiest countries in the world

The ten happiest countries in the world.
The happiest countries in the world Ranking .
The countries with the highest happiness index.

  • Finland
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Iceland
  • Denmark
  • Norway
  • Netherlands
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • new Zealand
  • Ireland
  • China
  • other happy countries
  • selection factors

1. Finland

Finland is a highly developed capitalist country, as well as a highly industrialized and liberalized market economy. Its citizens enjoy a very high standard of living. The Finnish government’s civil servants are clean and efficient, and they have formed a broad consensus in society. Finland has about 179,000 islands and about 188,000 lakes, known as the “Land of a Thousand Lakes”. The forest coverage rate is as high as 75.3%, about 22.7 million hectares, 4.34 hectares per capita, and 2.2 billion cubic meters of timber reserves.

2. Australia

Australia is a highly developed capitalist country with many unique flora and fauna and natural landscapes. It is a country of immigrants pursuing multiculturalism. Australia’s population is highly urbanized, with nearly half of its citizens living in the two major cities of Sydney and Melbourne. Many cities across the country have been rated as one of the most livable places in the world. The coastal area is full of wide sandy beaches and lush vegetation, and on the eastern coast there is the world’s largest coral reef – the Great Barrier Reef. The average annual temperature of Australia is 27°C in the north and 14°C in the south.

3. Canada

Canada is a highly developed capitalist country. Thanks to its abundant natural resources and highly developed technology, Canada has become one of the countries with the highest standard of living, the wealthiest society and the most developed economy in the world. Canada ranks highly in international rankings for education, government transparency, social freedom, quality of life and economic freedom. Forest coverage accounts for 44% of the country’s total area, ranking sixth in the world.

4. Iceland

Iceland is a highly developed capitalist country, and its citizens have a Nordic welfare system such as health insurance and higher education provided by the state. Iceland is the least populous of NATO member states and is the only country without a standing army. Only the coast guard undertakes national defense tasks. Iceland is deeply affected by the warm North Atlantic Current, which flows mainly from its south, and has one that circles its west and north. Therefore, although it is located near the Arctic Circle, the temperature in winter is not low, and the temperature of the whole island in summer is between 7-12 ℃. Iceland is the country with the most hot springs in the world, so it is called the “land of ice and fire”.

5. Denmark

Denmark is a highly developed capitalist country and one of the founding countries of NATO and a member of the European Union. The country has an extremely complete social welfare system, a highly developed economy, a very small gap between the rich and the poor, and its citizens enjoy a very high quality of life. Due to the influence of the southwest wind blowing from the Atlantic Ocean, Denmark’s climate is warm in winter and cool in summer. The average temperature in the hottest July is only 15 to 17 degrees. The main tourist spots are Copenhagen, Andersen’s hometown – Odense, Lego City, the west coast of the Jutland Peninsula and the northernmost point of Skayan, etc.

6. Norway

Norway is a highly developed capitalist country and one of the richest countries in the world today. Norway is also one of the pioneers in creating a modern welfare state. Every citizen is a member of the national welfare and labor insurance organization, and enjoys a comprehensive set of financial assistance such as medical care, pensions, and disability benefits. In addition to the child support that every family can receive, the leave regulations related to women’s childbirth are also very broad. More than 90% of children go to public schools free of charge, and the stipulated period of acceptance is nine years, but everyone has the right to continue their education. Since 2001, Norway has been rated as the most livable country by the United Nations for six consecutive years.

7. Netherlands

The Netherlands is a highly developed capitalist country, famous for seawalls, windmills, tulips and a tolerant social atmosphere. Its laws on drugs, sex trafficking and abortion are the most liberal in the world. The Netherlands is the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage and euthanasia. The Netherlands is known as the “Country of Flowers”, among which tulips are the most numerous and famous flowers.

8. Sweden

Sweden is a highly developed capitalist country, regarded as socially liberal and highly egalitarian, with many social welfare systems and generally ranking high in the United Nations Development Program’s Human Development Index. There are 15 world cultural heritage sites, and the forest coverage rate is 54%. The area near the sea in Sweden is affected by the warm Atlantic current, and the winter is mild and rainy. The average temperature in July is 14.2°C in the north and 17.2°C in the south.

9. Switzerland

Switzerland is a highly developed capitalist country and one of the countries with the richest, most stable society, the most developed economy and the highest standard of living in the world. It is rich in tourism resources and has the reputation of a world park; its per capita GDP has always been among the top in the world, and Switzerland is also one of the most stable economies in the world. Its long-term policy, safe financial system and bank secrecy system make Switzerland a tax avoidance A safe haven for investors.

10. new Zealand

New Zealand is a highly developed capitalist country and one of the most beautiful countries in the world. In total, about 30% of the country is protected areas. It has 3 world heritage sites, 14 national parks, 3 marine parks, hundreds of nature reserves and ecological areas. In 2018, New Zealand was rated as the least corrupt country in the world by the United Nations.

other happy countries

Ireland,China,Singapore, Israel, Spain, France, Italy, Austria, Costa Rica, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, USA, UK, United Arab Emirates.

selection factors

Evaluation factors include per capita GDP level, social security, residents’ health, life expectancy, social cohesion, national trust in the government, government integrity, national education level, employment rate, residents’ mental health, family stability, ambient air quality, Natural disasters, tourism resources, national honor, pace of life, work pressure, national security index, etc.
Countries with the longest life expectancy: Japan, Switzerland, Spain, France, Singapore, Australia, Italy, Canada, South Korea, Norway
Countries with the highest per capita GDP: Luxembourg, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Qatar, the United States, Singapore, Denmark, Australia, Ireland.
The country with the lowest divorce rate in the world: Ireland
Countries with the least air pollution: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Finland, Iceland, Sweden
Most educated countries: US, UK, Germany, Australia, Canada, France, Netherlands, China, South Korea, Japan
Countries with the most abundant tourism resources: China, the United States, Italy, Australia, France, Spain, Russia, Japan, Thailand
Safest Countries: New Zealand, Australia, China, Switzerland, Canada, Singapore, Finland, Iceland, Germany, Spain